Short Film Awards
“The Golden Elephant Award' is presented yearly by The Friends of the Civic to a promising upcoming NZ short film maker. The Award is presented during the Auckland International Film Festival to encourage the art of film making, thereby recognising the capabilities and talents of New Zealand film makers. The Elephant Trophy and $3000 is gifted by the Friends of the Civic Charitable Trust as an appreciation for the art of filmmaking and the association of cinema with Auckland's Civic Theatre.
Click on the links in orange for exerpts of each movie.
2014 - Abigail Greenwood - Eleven
A beautifully painful story of peer pressure and betrayal. Well shot and well acted by the young cast, it’s a very moving story that takes one back to the difficult years of childhood.
2013 - The jury was unable to agree on a recipient for The Friends of the Civic Short Film Award for distinctive creative achievement to any one film in the 2013 Best of New Zealand Short Film programme.
2012 - Thomas Gleeson 'Home'
We watch a house take a road trip
2011 - Tammy Davis 'Ebony Society'
One night out stealing, two boys learn a lesson
2010 - Sam Peacocke 'Manurewa'
A 20-minute short film based around the 2008 shooting of Manurewa shopkeeper Navtej Singh.
2009 - Christopher Banks 'Teddy'
The film is a delightful reflection of everyday human hopes & dreams combined with a charming image of contemporary NZ life. ‘Teddy’ is already making inroads to overseas film festivals.
2008 - Katie Wolfe 'This is Her'
A darkly comic tale about the bitter aftertaste of love.
2007 - Tearepa Kahi 'Taua'
When a boy shows compassion amidst rival Maori tribes at war, one leader falls and another rises.
2006 - Tearepa Kahi 'The Speaker'
To speak and be heard you need more than words.
2005 -Jonathan Brough 'No Ordinary Sun'
Set against the majestic backdrop of the Antarctic, a man confronts his fears when the foundations of his reality are challenged.